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INT 2Fh (47)             Multiplex Interrupt (APPEND)               . DOS 3.1

     Reports on the resident portion of APPEND, if it exists.

        On entry:      AH         B7H
                       AL         Function to be performed

        Functions:     AL         0        Get installed state
        (See below)               2        Get APPEND version
                                  4        Get APPEND path pointer
                                  6        Get APPEND function state
                                  7        Set APPEND function state
                                  11h      Set APPEND return found name state

        Returns:       See below

   AL = 00 Get Installed State

        On entry:      AH         B7H
                       AL         00      Get Installed State

        Returns:       AL          00     Not installed, okay to install
                                  01     Not installed, not okay to install
                                  FFH    Installed

   AL = 02 Get APPEND Version

        On entry:      AH         B7H                              . DOS 4.0
                       AL         02      Get APPEND version

        Returns:       AX        FFFFH    DOS APPEND loaded

   AL = 04 Get APPEND Path Pointer

        On entry:      AH         B7H                              . DOS 4.0
                       AL         04      Get APPEND path pointer

        Returns:       ES:DI              Points to currently active APPEND

   AL = 06 Get APPEND Function State

        On entry:      AH         B7H                              . DOS 4.0
                       AL         06      Get APPEND function state
        Returns:       BX bits set:  0        APPEND enabled
                                     13       /PATH in effect
                                     14       /E in effect
                                     15       /X in effect

   AL = 07 Set APPEND Function State

        On entry:      AH         B7H                              . DOS 4.0
                       AL         07      Set function state
                       BX bits set:  0        APPEND enabled
                                     13       /PATH in effect
                                     14       /E in effect
                                     15       /X in effect

   AL = 11h Set APPEND Return Found Name State

        On entry:      AH         B7H                              . DOS 4.0
                       AL         11h     Set Return Found Name State


     This service gets or sets information about APPEND. In particular, you
     can determine whether or not APPEND is active, and if so, what version
     number is in use. You can also query or set a number of switches (/PATH,
     /E and /X).

         Notes:       In Subservice 11h, a process system state flag is
                      set. On the next INT 21h function call 3DH, 43H, or 6CH
                      that APPEND processes, it returns the name it finds to
                      the application filename buffer.

See Also: INT 2Fh...
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